quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2018

Me and this bottle of red wine ;)

I'm a real girl. I really love sex. Want to meet me? Maybe you want to fuuuck me ...?

Ok, here you can find my phone and just write me when you want. Anytime.
    And you can see some of my private photos there.


    is spoken of as having three dimensions, which one may call

    Four-Dimension geometry. Professor Simon Newcomb was expounding

    one who repeats mystic words. `Yes, I think I see it now,' he

    said after some time, brightening in a quite transitory manner.

    are curious. For instance, here is a portrait of a man at eight

    finger shows the movement of the barometer. Yesterday it was so

    And why cannot we move in Time as we move about in the other

    `Not exactly,' said the Medical Man. `There are balloons.'

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